• 1) How to get to Manali, Himachal Pradesh?

    By Air :-Kullu airport (50 km away from Manali), is well connected to New Delhi. Transport from Kullu airport to Manali is easily available by taxi or bus.
    By Road :- Regular bus services connect Manali with Chandigarh, Shimla, Delhi, Pathankot, & Ambala.

  • 2) How to get to Leh, Ladakh?

    By Air: The quickest way to Ladakh is to fly to Leh from Delhi. Daily flights connect Leh with Delhi, Srinagar and Jammu.
    By Road: It takes at least a 4-day non-stop journey to reach Leh from Delhi, via. Manali by the Manali-Leh highway (generally open June-October). Srinagar to Leh Via Jozila is also 2 days drive. (open May - November)

  • 3) Whom should I contact at Manutourismcoop?

    Your contact will be Mr. Vishal Thakur and Mr. Murli Prakash

  • 4) What are the preparations necessary before an outdoor trip?

    Fitness: It is essential to be mentally and physically prepared before you start a trek. Regular hikes are one of the best ways to prepare, increasing frequency and length, as you get closer to the trek. All aerobic exercises such as cycling, running, swimming and aerobics are good for strengthening the cardiovascular system. Generally, any exercise that increases the heart rate for 20 minutes is helpful but don't overdo it just before the trek.

  • 5) What are the mountain hazards while trekking in the Himalaya?

    Snow blindness: It is caused by strong concentration of ultra violet rays at high altitudes. Though very painful, it is curable. It can be prevented by wearing snow goggles or even ordinary sunglasses with side covers.

    Sunburn: It is caused by reflection of ultra violet rays from the snow. Clothing cuts out a large portion of ultra violet rays. Application of calamine lotion or anti sunburn cream is the first-aid measure for sun-burn.

    Altitude Illness/Mountain sickness: The main cause of altitude illness is inability of persons to adapt to the reduction in the level of oxygen at high altitude. Symptoms are headache followed by sleeplessness, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and breathlessness. This can be prevented by acclimatization and slow induction to high altitude. Do not go too high, too fast. Drink lots of liquid. Keep well hydrated by drinking over 3 liters of fluids per day. Descend if unwell without expecting to recover from even apparently minor illness at high altitudes.

  • 6) How to Pack a Survival Kit?

    It weighs just a couple of pounds. It costs a fraction of what one of those GPS-equipped cell phone costs, but this survival kit could save your life.

    Shelter: Large plastic garbage bags make excellent ponchos. With an 8-by-12-foot [2.4-by-3.7-meter] plastic drop sheet and 25 feet [7.6 meters] of parachute chord, you'll be able to build an emergency shelter. (Hardware stores stock all three items.) A pocketknife can be used to cut the cord-and for myriad other chores.

    Fire: Double wrap waterproof matches in Ziploc bags, and carry a lighter as well. Cotton balls dipped in Vaseline (store them in a film container) are handy fire-starting aids.

    Signaling: The reflection of a signal mirror can be seen up to a hundred miles [160 kilometers] away on clear days. You can purchase one at any decent outdoors store, as well as a whistle.

    Water: One bottle of iodine-based purification tablets can treat up to 25 quarts [23.7 liters] of water.

    Navigation: Carry a compass. Enough said. A mini-flashlight is useful in many ways-and having light also boosts morale.

  • 7) Will I have to carry my heavy sack?

    YES, kindly pack accordingly, however you can put it on porter or horseback, which you need to intimate while booking your excursion. You should also be ready to pay the additional charged inherited by it. However, the porters carrying your sack are generally not with you as you hike. You will need a day-pack/rucksack/waist pack to carry things you want access to during the walk (water, extra clothes, camera, sunscreen, treats, etc.).

  • 8) What kind of bags should I carry?

    On treks, you will need a bigger rucksack for all your luggage. In addition, a smaller day pack - preferably a backpack - to carry water, camera, trail food etc. is recommended.

  • 9) What is the best way to minimize fatigue when you're hiking up a mountain?

    Inhale deeply as your foot comes off the ground. Then use the force of stepping uphill to facilitate a complete exhalation, squeezing the carbon dioxide out and setting you up for another breath. To rest-step, drop the heel and completely straighten the leg with each step, which puts the weight on your skeleton and allows your muscles to rest momentarily.

  • 10) What are the precautions necessary during a trek in the Himalaya?
    • Wear clothes loose and in many layers with an outer wind-proof covering.
    • Keep your feet dry. Use dusting / foot powder before wearing socks. Change into dry socks, as soon as you reach camp. Keep your boots from freezing at night.
    • Use well-fitting gloves/mittens to protect your hands and fingers.
    • A sturdy rain gear is also very important since it can rain any day of the year on the mountain.
    • All contact lens wearers should take care to remove the lenses at night, as the eye needs to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere. The rarefied conditions of altitude reduce oxygen levels and in extreme cases a Corneal Edema can develop.
    • Photography: Cameras whether Video or film, need to be protected against the severe cold weather either in warm pouch or the interior pockets of your clothing. Do not keep in your backpack at higher elevations.
  • 11) I have a question that is not addressed in the FAQ.

    Write to us at manutourismcoop@gmail.com with your question and we will get back to you.