Environmental Consciousness

We are committed to protecting the fragile environment of the Himalayan mountain ranges and believe in zero impact trekking. Apart from observing various environmental conservational measures, we inculcate environmental consciousness amongst our staff and encourage similar responsibility in fellow travelers. Himalaya, with its pristine mountains, rivers and forests is known as the "abode of the Gods". It is therefore our responsibility to maintain the natural glory of these mountains and make it a place of endless delight for travelers and residents alike. A few easy to follow steps will help you to contribute in making this effort a success.

  1. Plastic stays: It is one of the least degradable substances, resistant to the effects of the sun, wind and rain. When you leave a plastic bag or bottle in the quiet picnic spot that you and your family enjoyed, you may very well find it there when return a few years later, an ugly spot on the landscape. The State of Himachal Pradesh has banned the used of polythene/plastic bags and you can be fined for using them, while you are in the State.
  2. Litter: Do remember to take your litter back to the hotel or drop it in the conveniently placed dustbins. Don’t leave it lying around.
  3. Noise: One of the prime attractions of Himalaya, is the quiet of the mountains that invite you to linger. Need we say….
    • Please don’t blow whistles, shout or sing loudly and do not play blaring loud music on your Bluetooth speaker or transistor. Rather listen to the sounds of nature.
  4. Vandalism: Nature intended trees and rocks to remain unmarked by human beings. Nor were our monuments intended for graffiti written by some young wit.
    • Please do not scratch your name or write message on trees, rocks, mountains or monuments. Rolling a rock down the mountain slope may seem fun to you but it is a danger to someone walking or working down the slope.
  5. Respect: Our dear Mother Earth is in desperate need of healing from the abuse inflicted upon her through man’s recklessness, negligence and lack of respect. Please treat the mountains and the people with respect and you will be pleasantly surprised at what both can give back to you.

Lastly, leave nothing, not even footprints……